Last night my son despaired of getting into his top choice of college--Middlebury. He discovered that the application deadline was January 1, not January 15, and as it was the 8th, he fell into despair. I like to think I had a hand in the miracle, because when I suggested that he try anyway and write an email to the Admissions Director, he did so, rather to my surprise. I don't have such resilience. Today he received an email saying that his enthusiasm was appreciated, and that his application would be considered if he sent it in immediately. He did so, today. I told him he was a lucky bug.
This is my prediction. He will get into Middlebury, but without any financial aid. He will get into Macalester with aid. We will tussle about the decision, because it means large sums of money which he cannot comprehend, because I've made it so for him. Likely he will get his way.May it be easy for him and me and his other parents. Any of the colleges would be fantastic. He will find the world, more wondrous and trubling than any of the near 1,000 books he has read. He will become confident and learned and truly humble. He will soar with his yet undiscovered passion. He will become happy, fulfilled, and a giving human being on this earth. A mother cannot ask for more.
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